
1.  America is a holy country.  We are gathered here from all nations for a reason.

2.  Jesus will prevail.

3.  We are called to bring America back to her feet.  Through returning the Church to Her vigor.

4.  You will know if you are called to this order.

5.  You do need to be baptised.

6.  We particularly endorse Mormons for their connection to outer space.  We support exploration of reported alien encounters.

7.  We can be married.

8.  We may smoke cigarettes in moderation.  This is a gift from the Native American and a good.  The pendulum has swung too far in this regard.  Beer and wine are permitted in moderation.  Similarly coffee.

9.  Our clothing should be plain.  We take this lesson from the Amish and Mennonites.  We may shave our heads or wear our hair any length but only one length; men may follow the same rule or wear an ordinary men’s haircut.  I do not know about African American and other ethnic hair styles but you may wear your hair as is appropriate.

10.  We may blog, write letters, publish our views in any fashion to support the holy spirit of America and the catholic Christian church here.

11.  We come to America to let go of who we were and to change.  It can be an arduous journey.

12.  We are to keep our eyes fixed “on the admirable and the lovely.”  And wear the armour of God.