my vision

we don’t need to worry so much.

North American civilization will crumble.

We are much like Roman civilization in Jesus’s day. We will fall by our own weight. We don’t need to do anything.

just prioritize our concerns, for instance, avoid starting nuclear war in our desperation. Take care of the rotting remains of human fetuses in medical waste containers in dumps, if my understanding of that is correct it is a serious health concern. The rotting infrastructure and trashy new home building to address demand probably doesn’t matter as we will all go down anyway. My worst fear is about spring water. Where is it all coming from? We need to stop exhausting the planet this way! Fridges need to be required to be equipped with water filters to provide water for drinking and cooking.

America was built on a horrible premise, the importation of Africans as slaves and the demise of a beautiful indigent population.

all of this grew out of overpopulation in Europe, especially, irritation among arguing Christian groups.

My view is that the likely solution is that we are morphing into aliens, in other words, we are getting ready to receive a witness from outer space! It could take thousands of years.

For the time being, we need to reduce our impact on Earth’s vital resources and NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID.