
about me

I am abbyhillonline the pro-Life protagonist but now in retirement.

and, “God’s poster-child for the pro-Life cause.”

My major claims to fame are a computer program written in college that helped to launch language AI by mathematically modeling the English language. The program analyzed input poetry and generated essays. That was in 1981.

Recently I invented the healing method called “retroactive interpolation” which is how you fix something that got broken in the past. I applied it to my almost fatal childbirth experience over the past two years with extremely good results.

I was a wife and mother to the best of my abilities for 21 years. During that time I became a social activist in human rights causes such as pro-Life, pro-Black, and the cause of the mentally ill.

I have been seeking Jesus for the longest time. I have Jewish ancestry and it leads me to go directly to God the father. I love King David and King Solomon. I love Christian rock and I also have Irish Catholic ancestry and I finally got baptised in 2018 at a Catholic Church. I am beginning to understand about Jesus. They say, “As long as you are actively seeking…” (Sonic Flood)

So, I am by no means a model Christian but I am enthusiastic to take up the cause to reform the Catholic Church for its strength and vigor and fight the decline of faith in America.